My Name is: Woman

My Name is: Woman” is more than just a concert: it’s first and foremost a story; the story of a refugee, student, waitress, artist, psychiatric patient, and friend.

Rated 4 stars in, this dynamic musical journey traverses the historic landscape of anti-Milosevic protests in Belgrade, NATO bombings, immigration offices and smoked up cafés, student dorms, hospital beds, and, finally, the international opera stage.

Violetta Lazin in My Name is: Woman
Violetta Lazin in My Name is: Woman
Denis Gavric

A slice-of-life cabaret

The show features a never officially­declared refugee – Violetta Lazin herself, presenting a one woman’s journey through Europe and life, universally ringing as a reminder that not all refugees are coming to invade someone­else’s country.

In a minimalistic setting with Gianmaria Griglio as a one man orchestra at the piano, the story unfolds through words and different styles of music: opera, chanson, flamenco, Serbian art, folk song, jazz and musical.

“My Name is: Woman” speaks of the other side of that coin, showing obstacles we need to overcome, made more challenging by new language and new culture.

Given time and opportunity, we become a valuable asset to the society we live in, proud of our new country and happy to make it proud of us, advocating love, peace and unity through words spoken and sung in many different genres of music and therefore more available to different audiences.

Audience reactions

The story of the show is Violetta’s own personal story – emotional, touching and engaging. The repertoire of songs is diverse and the singer’s outstanding and highly dynamic performance shows her ability to tackle a variety of music styles with ease. The songs are presented with a beautiful piano accompaniment and are masterfully interwoven into the story, each one of them bringing up a different memory. All in all seeing and hearing My Name Is: WOMAN was a real treat!

Raya Hadzhieva

Something unique! Profound and deep. An incredible story which exposes the feelings of a human searching for humanity. Congratulations!

Andrei Ungurasu

So beautiful: the story unfolds through the music and she can really sing just about anything she wants to. Whether it was folk or opera or tango or musical she was just spot on. Great piano playing too. All in all this is one of the best shows I’ve seen.

Aaron Mulder

Vulnerable, Powerful, Pride. Hard not to fall a little bit in love with somebody who opens up the good and the bad of her life in such a honest way, via her most expressive channel: the voice. It’s a kind of diary, informally told and accompanied by beautiful songs. Not just anyone’s diary. I can assure you.

Jan Onthego

It wasn’t just a show, it was a story like no one that sat down expected. Intense, emotional and yet amazingly entertaining.

Kevin Veenman

My name is: woman  – sponsors

The production of the show has been made possible thanks to the generous contribution of the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfondsthe Gilles Hondius Foundation and the Stichting Fonds voor de Geld.

My Name is: Woman has been performed at the Theater de Roode Bioscoop in Amsterdam, as part of the Amsterdam Fringe Festival, and in The Hague, previewed at the Theater de Nieuwe Regentes and premiered at Het Nutshuis.

Want to know more about the genesis of the show? Check out this post!